Monday, February 28, 2011

Day 27: Take a leisurely walk...

I had planned to take my walk @ St. Edward's park and explore some trails I've not yet been on. Yes, even after living near that park for nine years, there are still some trails I've yet to try. That is awesome and a testament to what a fabulous park it is! Love it. I like to refer to it as the Eastside's version of Discovery Park.

However, we were in for Snow Day/No school day #2 and the girls were my sidekicks for the day. So, I opted for a less intensive walk and one we could all enjoy.

As much as I love St Ed's, the trails behind Finn Hill Jr. High (that sync up with Big Finn Hill Park) are high up on my list. We can be on them in 5 minutes. After about just 2 minutes on the trails, you are in the woods. It's peaceful. It's quiet. It smells heavenly. Love. Love. Love. It's truly one of the reasons we will never leave the Hill or 98034 (unless Jeff's job takes us to the East coast, but that's another story, for another day).

In fact, it was a trail run on these very trails where I came up with the idea for this -40- in -40- challenge. For me, nothing beats a good trail run (sans music) for some good head clearing and brainstorming. It's definitely the time when I have the most creative juices flowing. Perhaps it's the outdoors, the quiet, the feeling of being "away from it all" even if you are in the middle of the suburbs, or maybe a combination of all those things that makes this time so productive.  Whatever it is, I am thankful for the clarity.

The girls and I thoroughly enjoyed our Snow Day Walk. We watched some sledders, the girls made snow angels, Blue got to do lots of sniffing and peeing, and the light (very light) snowfall on the trees and the trails was breathtaking.  See for yourself:

My take away from this task was simple:" Why don't I take a walk for fun more often?" I know the answer to that. It's because I don't think I have the time. Which is ridiculous. I can make the time, I just haven't chosen to do so.

Sheesh! Me thinks I need to do better about that. And I will.

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