Friday, February 4, 2011

Day 7: Surprise a friend!

Well, "technically" I did chat with the surprisee (not a word, but deal with it) today, but she really found out about the surprise earlier in the week, when I had to tell her earlier than planned. Had I not, she might have been traveling for work...the nerve of some people! :)

My college roomie, from Gonzaga (Joy!) is coming to visit! Hailing all the way from snowy, bear country in Anchorage! YAY!

I've been messaging her hubs the past few weeks, setting the plan into motion and we had it "set" until he learned of some travel/work plans for the same time frame as her trip to see moi. Of course, I was in Winthrop when this all came about (with crappier than crap cell service) so I ended up having to divulge the bare bones of the surprise to her via text. Not as fun, but still pretty awesome.

Would you believe that Joy and I were randomly assigned as room mates at GU and had never met one another, but lo and behold, we were actually baptized together (as babes) at the same church in Yakima? Destined to be friends, I tell you! I love that story.

Anywho, she is coming to visit for 3 days at the end of this month (thanks to my hubby's hefty mileage plan balance) and we are gonna party like it's 1989/90. Well, maybe there are no rugby parties in our near future, but I guarantee much giggling and catching up and commiserating about the looming 40th birthday. She will make the decade changeover 4 days before me. Yep, we are both Pisces, too.

I am sooooo excited I can't stand it! Countdown to her visit: 20 days!

Surprising people is fun. Highly recommend.

1 comment:

  1. I'm the lucky recipient of Amy's surprise! (Love you, Aim!!!) Along with the surprise, she gave me a hint that I need to bring workout clothes. We will be knocking off one of the other items on her list. Unfortunately, I think this means I have to scratch off the possibility of that item being either lighting a candle or receiving the triple threat brownies...Some little red flag is going off...could it be the pole dancing class?
