Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Day 28: Triple Threat Brownie Giveaway

I've made these brownies so many times I don't even measure out the ingredients anymore. It's the same  base recipe my grandmother and Mom used, so it's tried and true. I have taken liberties with it, however, by making them into "triple chocolate". I either add in milk chocolate chips or chop up a milk chocolate bar from Trader Joe's. And then the frosting varies from a Triple Chocolate fudge or I use good ol' Nutella to frost. There's no skimping on the frosting either. These treats are ooey gooey madness. Go big or go home. That's my baking mantra...

Naturally, these are the "cookie of choice" in the Neumann household.

My task for Friday was to make them and give those babies away. This was the first task that had to be squeezed into the day's activities, rather than my day revolving around the task. Remember my "surprise a friend" task? Well, that said friend arrived the night before. YAY!

So, I woke up earlier than even normal and got the morning routine done. Made the lunches (because THANK GOD there was finally school for one of the kids!) and even got a blog post written.

Next I whipped up the brownie batter and had that ready to go. The TTB's (triple threat brownies) were out of the oven before school drop off and my gym session.

Nothing better than the smell of brownies first thing in the morning. Yum and Yum and Yum.

The rest of the day blew by. Full disclosure: I did not actually deliver said brownies until the next day. I was just having too much fun with my girlfriend and hubby to do it (shopping followed by  dining @ Purple followed by the crazy fantastic foot rub place. Let's just say the evening consisted of wine, baked brie, more wine, dinner, more wine, a shared dessert, and then an hour long wonderful (albeit non-traditional) foot massage. I die!

Anywho, I opted for -2- recipients because a whole 9x13 pan of brownies is a lot for one person/family (well, not our family, but we are a little over the top when it comes to dessert). I opted to keep it in the "hood" and our next door neighbors, the Silvestres, were the first recipient. Awesome neighbors who have been so good to us over the years....and the eldest kid is also our babysitter. The other lucky duck was another neighbor, Sten, who is a bachelor and probably could use some home baked goodness. He's another great neighbor who is always really sweet to the girls (he dropped off a birthday card to Syd yesterday from he and his girlfriend - sweet!) and is also a roofer. So, the next time a crazy Finn Hill windstorm blows off 1/2 our roof, I know who to call! :) Sweet.

Without further ado, I shall share this recipe because if you have a good thing, why not share it? For Reals!

Saucepan Brownies AKA Triple Threat Brownies
3/4 cup butter
2 cups sugar
3 eggs
4 heaping tablespoons cocoa (Honestly,  think I use more. Remember I don't measure anymore!)
1 tsp. baking powder
1 tsp. vanilla
1.5 cups flour (I use a blend of wheat/white)

Melt butter and add to remaining -6- ingredients. Beat well. Add in chopped chocolate/chips. Mix well. Pour into greased 9 x 13 baking pan (I use Pam Baking Spray) and cook at 350 for 20 minutes. 

Optional:  1 package milk chocolate chips or 1 chopped up milk chocolate bar
                                Frosting of choice. I use a Betty Crocker store bought triple chocolate fudge frosting (Gasp! I know. There is "bad" stuff in there. But it's a cookie, my friends, so deal with it!) Or I just spread Nutella on top. That ain't too shabby either. In fact, my "foodie" friend, Kyle, prefers them that way...If you opt for Nutella, spread that on while the brownies are still warm. It sort of seeps into the cookie part and gives an extra chocolatey/hazelnut boost.

Bon Appetit, my friends!

1 comment:

  1. And this is why I'm in constant training for triathlons...and how you restrain yourself and only eat like 1 brownie per batch still amazes me!
