Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Day 16: Day of Sloth.

Well, I did it. I skipped my Sacred Yoga Sunday class, in lieu of it being "Sloth" day. I'm still a little shocked. I never miss.

So, the day got started off on a good, slothy note. But then I remembered I needed to make cupcakes for Holly's Valentine party @ school. And then I felt like making Soup Nazi Soup for dinner. And then I had to organize all the craft supplies for Holly's class party and put together the goodie bags. Then I had to clean up the kitchen from the aforementioned tasks. (Oh, and the day prior to Sloth Day, I had to clean like a banshee. Because if the house was messy, I just wouldn't be as apt to relax.) So it was closer to 11am before the true slothing began.

Some high points of the day:
  • Staying in my PJ's until about 2:30.
  • Watched "The Kids are All Right". Loved it.  
  • Caught up on mags: O, BHG,  and the mother lode, Vanity Fair.
  • Read some of "The Happiness Project" (prepping for future task). This is such a thought provoking book for me. And it really dovetails (LOVE that word) with this -40- day project. More on the book later.
  • Enjoyed a quiet house. Jeff took the girls to Costco, then the park and then they went to Grandmas for dinner. Adore me some quiet time. There's something so 'effin fantastic about being alone in my own house. 
I am surprised to admit the best part of the day was that there was no set plan. The thought of an unplanned, "do anything" day was really uplifting and restorative.

By nature, I'm a planner and a do-er.  I like to know what's on deck and I really get a high from crossing stuff off my To Do list. I think I'm just happiest when I'm "doing". If I have unfinished tasks looming over me, I usually get anxious and crabby and become uber self critical.

I'm glad I can recognize this quality about myself now and embrace it. In the past, when people suggested I "slow down" or "just relax" or  asked "why do you do soooo much", it's made me doubt myself and think I have some type of issue or psychosis. (Yes, I can also be uber sensitive! After all, I am a Pisces!) But, it's time to just enjoy being me. Not what people want me to be. Another goal of the 40's: enhanced authenticity.

Anywho, I like that I go the extra mile on most things. I like that I try to think of "everything" when I'm packing for trips or having parties. I like that I can make things look like it wasn't a ton of work, even though it was. I like that I try to keep family traditions going, even though it can be a colossal pain in the butt sometimes.

I've grown to see that achieving happiness (for me) is really about recognizing the process of happiness, rather than just the end goal. The "before" the big thing actually happens, if you will. It's why I love packing. It's why I love being at the airport before the flight takes off and the vacation actually begins.  It's why I love Christmas Eve. It's the anticipation of being happy that makes me the most happy. And that process of being "busy" is a large part of what, ultimately, defines joy for me. That "busyness" keeps my eye on the prize. It keeps my mind engaged and my heart full.

But I'll give a "shout out" to Sloth Day, because it did allow me the time to ponder this and feel really good about the way I am living my life...

Score: Day of Sloth 100, Normal/Busy Amy, 10 billion.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh, I so identify with this post. The happy planner/doer, joy in busyness part. Robin always says I enjoy looking forward to vacations much more than the actual vacations. The joy of anticipation is strong. :-)
