Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Day 23: Gratitude Letter. Thank someone I've never properly thanked.

It was hard for me to choose the person to write to. I had three individuals in mind. Yet I decided to go with someone I have verbally thanked countless times in the years I've known him. But I don't know that I've ever properly thanked him. And by properly, I mean in writing. Which is odd, because I am a huge believer in written thank yous. I think it's somewhat of a lost art that is in dire need of a comeback. Especially with the younger generation. Oh wait a sec! This is not a rant on etiquette. My Bad! :) Back to being grateful...

I chose my husband of 10+ years as my gratitude recipient. There are so many reasons why I am thankful to him, but often these reasons are not spoken of enough. I get busy with the daily grind and can easily lose sight of the Big Picture. And the Big Picture for me is that Jeff works really hard for our family. He has a "big" job. And is responsible for a lot of things. Many of which, I don't really understand. A whole bunch of IT acronyms and buzz words, of which I am not privy. I should listen more and ask more questions. He also travels a lot which is physically hard for him. And I tend to think of it as only being hard on me and the girls. Not true.

When we made the decision for me to stay at home full time, there was not even a hesitation on his part. We were in sync in believing this was a fundamental gift to give our children. We both had stay at home moms growing up and wanted to pay that forward. It's been the absolute right decision for our family. And I am so thankful that Jeff is willing to do what he does, without complaint.

Of course, that is just one of the reasons I am thankful to the man I married.

Without further ado, here is my letter to him:

Dear Jeff,

It’s time to write my “gratitude” letter for the -40- in -40- challenge! And you are the recipient!

I had -3- people in mind for this. Ultimately, I decided you are the one I am most grateful to.

You are such a wonderful Dad to the girls.

You are a great husband and friend to me.

You work hard and don’t fuss about it, allowing me to be home with the girls full time. That is such a blessing. I know it’s got to be stressful to be the sole breadwinner for the family. I know I take it for granted sometimes. I shouldn’t but I do. I get caught up in all that I do and lose sight of the fact that you work really hard for us. I am so grateful.
Our lives would be much more stressful if I was also working. Can you imagine? Yikes! I know our daughters are the confident, happy, secure people they are because of the choices and the sacrifices we’ve made for them. And, you have never wavered in the decision for me to stay at home. Thank you.

You are a great friend. Not just to me, but also to all the “fellas” and your co-workers and people you come into contact with. That’s another gift you are giving to Holly and Sydney- showing them the importance of friendship.

You are kind and considerate and uncomplicated. I know you have the best of intentions to those you love. You don’t over think things, which is good, because God knows I do!

You have a wonderful sense of fun and playfulness. I love this about you. It can drive me a little crazy sometimes, but it’s such a great quality in a person, especially in a parent. I wish I were more inclined to be that way. I also see this trait in the girls and that makes me happy. J

You are goal oriented and have a good eye on the future. I know you are always trying to make the best decisions for our family’s security and well-being. Thank you.

You have worked really hard to focus on your health. I am so grateful for that. We want you around for a long, long time! In doing so, you are also helping to establish this principle in Holly and Sydney. It’s such an important lesson and one that we both should embody, in order to be good role models. I’m so proud of how far you’ve come in the last year. Awesome job, sweetie!

I hope you know how much I respect you and love you and like you. J

And I am grateful beyond measure.  Truly, I am.
xoxo , Amy

That's it. That's my letter. Short and sweet and to the point. But it comes from the heart and from a place of absolute love and appreciation.

Here's my challenge to anyone reading this blog entry: "Who are you most grateful to? And have you taken the time to properly thank him/her?" 

Carpe Diem, people. Make the time. You won't regret it.

P.S.  In case anyone is wondering who the other -2- candidates were for this letter: 1) Fr. William Ryan, S.J - my advisor at Gonzaga and one of the finest men I've ever met and 2) Jo Kadleuk who was a coach at a soccer camp I went to in high school. She was one of the first people (outside of family, of course) who believed that I was something special and she helped me to believe it, too.

 I just may need to make the time to write -2- more letters...

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