I had a huge smile on my face after she spoke and she looked right at me. She must think I am a lunatic. Or she wants to be my best friend. Either way, it's all good.
It's true that I would not have had so much to say to myself had I not done this challenge/project.
It's also true that many crazy coincidences have occurred in the last 40 days. Things I needed to hear from people, or say to people, or write to people, or things I needed to come into contact with or experience, or things I needed to think more deeply about - all of it came into fruition. There are too many examples to cite.
I've had people I don't even know come up to me at the gym and say "Hey, are you Amy? I heard about your 40 days project and think it's awesome". Seriously, that was cool.
I've had friends encourage me just at the moment when I felt too busy/stressed/tired to do my next task.
I've also had that inner voice telling me "Do it. You Must. This is Your Life, We are Talking About".
I've read some wonderful passages in The Happiness Project that dovetailed so seamlessly with my goals/hopes for the challenge - it was a little bit freaky. I've had books "speak to me" before, but this one was practically yelling.
And I listened.
So, the love letter to myself is basically written and in my head. I will put it to paper this weekend when I am in Florida and can write it longhand in a special notebook. I may or may not post it on here. We'll see. I do want a written record of it for my daughters to read one day.
If there's one thing I want for Holly and Sydney, it is for them to love themselves without holding back. To feel their awesomeness and own that, to see their fragility (or The Power of Vulnerability! Thanks Ang, for sharing that wonderful link!) and their weaknesses and own those, too. To love and love and love without fear. To be proud of who they are and where they come from and know that they are loved immensely by their Mom.
That would be like my girls "living their own love letter". And that would rock.
Below is a link on the above mentioned "The Power of Vulnerability". It. Is. Awesome. I hope you like it. I also wanted to store it here, so I can always refer to it when I feel I need a reminder. :) FYI, it's about 20 minutes. But it's 20 minutes that really impacted me...I probably would not have been able to write that post about my father/forgiveness had I not watched it and thought about it, with intention, then watched it again, and thought about it, some more. For Reals, it's Good Stuff.
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