Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Day 33: Pick something of mine that I love and give it away.

This was an interesting task for me and I came away from it with an unexpected realization.

I don't really own that much stuff that I love.


Don't get me wrong, there's some things I adore and would never consider giving away: some photographs, some books, my wedding ring (Which I designed. Mainly because I only wanted just one band, rather than the usual ring + wedding band. I tend to lose things. That's why this baby was insured before it ever left the house!) 

Some of my clothes make me really happy (okay, well maybe I love my Frye boots just a little bit), but I'm not sure I love love them.

Most of my possessions (or our possessions, as not much around here is just "mine") are just things. Stuff. Pieces. Chotchkes (it can also be spelled tchotchke, I know!) 

Furniture, clothing, sports equipment, camping gear, jewelry (except for that diamond stud I lost. And it was an anniversary present. Bad Amy! See, I do tend to lose things fairly often. But Jeff also lost his original wedding band, so I think he still is "winning in the losing game"!)

It's mostly all just Stuff.

So, when I started thinking about picking something I love love, it dawned on me that the most of my "things" aren't in that realm. Hmmmmph, again. It took me awhile to pin this one down. 

I came up with -2- items that I see everyday and I really do love love them. They just make me happy. They "rise up to meet me", if you will. Love that.

The first item is a set of -2- throw pillows in our sitting area off the kitchen. They are reversible: one side has these yellow flowers and the other side has a batik print. The minute I saw these at Target, I knew they had to be mine. Luckily we had just painted and I was doing some re-decorating (when AREN'T I re-decorating, some might ask) and the pillows were perrrrffffeect.  I drink my coffee early in the morning in this room, before the rest of the house wakes up, and the pillow is the first thing I see. It's like a cheery "good morning" just for me. :)

However, I realize no one probably wants my throw pillows. (Although my friend Joy did mention she loved them, when she was visiting.  Good thing you did not stuff them in your suitcase, Missy!)

So, the next item HAD to be IT. Another small item, one that resides on my entryway table. It's a small thing, a chotchke. But it's cute, it's got one of my all time favorite sayings on it, and it, like the pillows, "greets' everyone to the chaos that is is our home. Our house is not fancy. It's kids friendly and dog friendly. There's usually naked Barbies and a menagerie of stuffed animals everywhere (unless I know someone is coming over. Then I hurl the aforementioned into one of multiple baskets I have strategically placed around the house.) The kids have even resorted to riding Syd's new Big Girl scooter around the lower level (birthday gift from Uncle Todd). Not my favorite thing but it 1) makes them happy and 2) our hardwood floors are already thrashed from the dog's toe nails....

Jeff's work bag, his squash bag, his size 13 running shoes and work shoes usually are somewhere trying to trip me. Or there's little Pet Shop pieces that your bare feet will somehow connect with. 

My point is, that this item says "Keep Calm and Carry On". I tend to sweat the small stuff. I get stressed when my house is messy. I like everything to have a place. I like there to be order. I've given up on this in little bits, over time. I still demand some sense of tidiness, but I have really mellowed. (Jeff I am sure is like "What is she talking about? She is a psycho about being tidy!" But that is really only when it is "that time of the month", I swear!)

I'm convinced this little item that I love helped! Crazy, I know. 

It also hails from a store I absolutely adore. Seriously, every little thing in there is ridiculous. Their website is not great. But the store is a real treat. When you are next in downtown Kirkland, take a looksie in Haley's Cottage (used to be Liberty 123, for those of you locals...) They even have a darling throw pillow with this saying on it. I die! But I am not quite at the point in my life where I will spend $90 on a throw pillow. Jeff would kill me. (Just ask him what he thinks about throw pillows, in general. He will go off!)

But, alas,  I feel I can safely pass this little piece of sanity on to someone else without the entire household falling into ruins. :)

A friend of mine has been going through a tumultuous time and I sometimes am in awe she has not gone off the deep end... If there is anyone who could benefit from my little item that I love, it would be her. 

So, my dear girlfriend, from my house to yours, I hope this little thingy- ma- jig rises up to greet you and helps you Keep It All In Perspective.

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