I'm heading out of town for a few days later this week (Florida sunshine, here I come!!!) so I wanted to have some QT (quality time) with my hooligans. That's why I saved this task for the end of the challenge.
And, it was a total Good Time. This is how it went:
Holly slept until 8:26. She came downstairs and was like "Mom, don't I need to get ready for school?" Sydney screamed "Mom, has a surprise! She made Mickey Mouse pancakes!" (Syd did not know the true "secret" yet...)
Then I told them "YOU GET TO PLAY HOOKY FROM SCHOOL AND YOU GET TO PICK WHAT WE DO TODAY!!!!!" and this was their reaction:
The rest of the day played out in this fashion:
8:30 Holly eats Pluto Pancakes with chocolate chips. Syd ate her Mickey Mouse ones at the crack of dawn. Dang, if that girl doesn't want breakfast by 6:30 a.m!
8:45 Girls watch an episode of iCarly
9:15 10:15 I break out this "Paint Spinner" thing and the girls make some snazzy art. Holly also paints a pre drawn canvas. I break up 150 small fights about whose turn it is on the spinner thingy.
10:30 Spontaneous Dance Party. The girls reaallllyyy like JLo's new song "On the Floor". Thanks, American Idol.
10:45 Girls watch Sponge Bob. I. Hate. That. Show.
11:00 Finally get dressed; all of us. We Neumanns take jammies pretty seriously!
11:15 - 12:30 Saint Edwards playground. We mostly had it to ourselves. It was COLD! Girls had sooo much fun! My fingers were numb.
12:40 McDonalds for lunch. Happy Meals for them, salad for moi.
1:00- 1:45 Girls play at McDonalds toy. Bring on the Purell! We run into the Hudson family so I got to enjoy some adult conversation with Cynthia. Kids got to play with Darcy and Brooksie. YAY for unexpected fun!
2:00 Home for more art paint spinning. Girls run around and play "House".
2:40 Into swimsuits and we head to the gym pool for swimming.
3:05 Jeff jumps into the pool at gym and surprises Syd and Holly (I knew he was coming but was keeping it a surprise!) Happy Girls. Very cute.
3:45 Coerce girls out of pool. Jeff finished his laps. Head for home!
Consensus, however, seems to be it was a damn good day :) The girls picked very simple, good clean fun type activities. Nothing out of the ordinary. I love it. They are so easily amused. And they really like each other. Sister Friends. That's what I call them. They are so blessed with that!
I documented with photos, naturally...that's how I roll! If the girls ever forget how totally awesome their Mom is, I can whip out these pics and show 'em that Dad isn't the only fun one in da house! :)
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