Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Day 38: Play Hooky Day. Girls pick what we do!

I figure now is the time to let the girls play Hooky. Before all the standardized testing begins and before they don't want to skip school to hang out with their Mom. Technically, Syd wasn't playing hooky per se, since she doesn't have preschool on Mondays, but it was a break for her from the normal errands that fill up our Monday mornings. (If I hear "I hate errands" one more time, I just may lose it...)

I'm heading out of town for a few days later this week (Florida sunshine, here I come!!!) so I wanted to have some QT (quality time) with my hooligans. That's why I saved this task for the end of the challenge.

And, it was a total Good Time. This is how it went:

Holly slept until 8:26. She came downstairs and was like "Mom, don't I need to get ready for school?" Sydney screamed "Mom, has a surprise! She made Mickey Mouse pancakes!" (Syd did not know the true "secret" yet...)

Then I told them "YOU GET TO PLAY HOOKY FROM SCHOOL AND YOU GET TO PICK WHAT WE DO TODAY!!!!!" and this was their reaction:


The rest of the day played out in this fashion:

8:30 Holly eats Pluto Pancakes with chocolate chips. Syd ate her Mickey Mouse ones at the crack of dawn. Dang, if that girl doesn't want breakfast by 6:30 a.m!
8:45  Girls watch an episode of iCarly
9:15  10:15  I break out this "Paint Spinner" thing and the girls make some snazzy art. Holly also paints a pre drawn canvas. I break up 150 small fights about whose turn it is on the spinner thingy.
10:30  Spontaneous Dance Party. The girls reaallllyyy like JLo's new song "On the Floor". Thanks, American Idol.
10:45 Girls watch Sponge Bob. I. Hate. That. Show.
11:00 Finally get dressed; all of us. We Neumanns take jammies pretty seriously! 
11:15 - 12:30  Saint Edwards playground. We mostly had it to ourselves. It was COLD! Girls had sooo much fun! My fingers were numb.
12:40  McDonalds for lunch. Happy Meals for them, salad for moi.
1:00- 1:45 Girls play at McDonalds toy. Bring on the Purell! We run into the Hudson family so I got to enjoy some adult conversation with Cynthia. Kids got to play with Darcy and Brooksie. YAY for unexpected fun!
2:00 Home for more art paint spinning. Girls run around and play "House".
2:40 Into swimsuits and we head to the gym pool for swimming.
3:05  Jeff jumps into the pool at gym and surprises Syd and Holly (I knew he was coming but was keeping it a surprise!)  Happy Girls. Very cute.
3:45 Coerce girls out of pool. Jeff finished his laps. Head for home!

At this point, having gotten nothing done all day, except for (as Syd described it) "hanging out and having fun",  I make some dinner and we talk about starting homework and bath and regular type day things.

Consensus, however,  seems to be it was a damn good day :) The girls picked very simple, good clean fun type activities. Nothing out of the ordinary. I love it. They are so easily amused. And they really like each other. Sister Friends. That's what I call them. They are so blessed with that!

I documented with photos, naturally...that's how I roll!  If the girls ever forget how totally awesome their Mom is, I can whip out these pics and show 'em that Dad isn't the only fun one in da house! :)

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