I did it. I made the -3- telephone calls.
It was fine. And I'm sure the people I chatted with were like "Why are you CALLING me"?
But, it hasn't changed my perspective one iota. I am not a phone person and never will be. I'd just rather see people when I am talking to them. I'd also like to know that my audience is offering up their undivided attention AND I'd like to return the favor.
Most people I know are extreme multi-taskers. So, I don't think I am off base when I say that when they are talking to me on the phone they are also probably doing one (or two, or three) of the following: checking their email, making dinner or lunch, folding laundry, making a to do list, talking to their husbands (Mel, that's you!), painting their nails, looking at a magazine, checking TMZ to see what antics Charlie Sheen is up to today, etc.
And I think, in general, people are losing their listening skills. And I GET it - there are so many distractions out there. But I really want to be a good listener to those I care about and I expect the same. And don't even get me started on cell phone reception. Combine poor reception with a "Quiet Talker" and I just about lose my marbles...
I'd rather send an email with my thoughts/ideas/feelings than have a 1/2 assed conversation on the phone. Or make a quickie phone call to set up a face to face. But that's just me.
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