Sunday, January 30, 2011

Day #2: Au Naturel

Woo Hoo! Made it through the hair product task!

It was a day of major curl, pouf, frizz and tangles.

Tomorrow, I will be properly leave -in conditioned, moussed, sprayed and God knows what else! Whatever it takes to contain the beast.

Over the years, I've come to terms with the curls. Some days I love it, some days I hate it. Without question, I thank god EVERY DAY for hair products...

This was a fun exercise in letting go and fussing about one less thing.

And my hair did feel softer and it really wasn't as bad (i.e. big) as I thought it would be. It was also refreshing to see my girls do the same with their hair (they were product free too). Holly and Sydney are just starting their love/hate relationship with The Curl, so it's good to set them off on the right foot. To laugh about it and accept it, rather than fighting it and wanting to it to be something it just won't ever be. 

But I'll indulge them with a blow-out every now and again. 'Cuz as Curly Girls know, it's just soooo nice to be able to run your fingers thru your hair without snagging a fingernail, or pulling out a wad of hair...

Here are some pics to document the Au Naturel:

#1  Morning - hair is pretty well contained...
#2  Late morning - Holly and I, she with the tangle-itis and me with the start of the pouf.
#3  After some cooking and a steamy kitchen and then rummaging in the coat closet looking for something (which basically involved me crawling under a bunch of wool coats) there was a Frizz Revolution well underway.
#4 MAYYYBBEEE I donned a cute little cap for a trip to Tar-jay.  :)

1 comment:

  1. I often recall back to when I was a teenager how challenging it was to manage my hair. That was before hair products were what they are today of course.

    You look cute as ever!
