Thursday, February 3, 2011

Day 6: Comment on a Blog or blogs

I'll admit it - there are a 1/2 dozen blogs I regularly follow but never comment on. Gasp! The nerve of moi, to enjoy someones work and not let them know. Looooseeeer!

I mean, really.... if a friend wears a cute outfit, do I not comment on it? Hells to the Yeah, I say something. If a Facebook friend posts something witty, or cute, or sentimental, don't I hit the "Like" button? Done and Done.

So, what is my problem???

Talk about being hypocritical! I've often said I think it's the nutjobs out there in cyberspace who look at everything, but never participate that are the ones to be wary of. And here I was being one of them. No more! Finito!

I made some comments today. Hopefully, I just sounded grateful and appreciative for these people putting themselves and their thoughts out there for all to see. And not overly stalker-ish...

One of my "must reads' every morning is a fashion-y blog, but it's also from a Mom perspective (she has triplets) and she puts together wickedly creative outfits but is also really, really witty. She has fun with language (shit-tastic) but also posts about ordinary day type things, and there are real humdinger thoughtful posts that make you go Hmmmm.

So, I never know what I am going to find, and I like that.  Here's an older post I loved, about Coffee.

Every woman out there would get a kick outta this one:

For Reals, that is funny stuff!

I made a few comments on some other blogs, too, in the true spirit of sharing the cyber love. But I won't bore you with the ins and outs.

Now, I can go sass the Hubs for spending -20- minutes on the good ol' FB and not commenting on a darn, tootin' thing. No "like" buttons, either... Sheesh! Where is the love?


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