Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Day 4: Trying the Kindle

Oh, boy, I was not excited about this one. I am NOT a fan of electronic books, newspapers, magazines, etc. I just like the Real Deal. I like folding the corners of pages in a book when I find something delightful. I adore bookstores and wandering around touching books, picking them up and paging through them. It's kind of like "dating" or "test-driving" a book. If you don't like how it feels or looks or sounds, just put it back on the shelf. No can do with the electronic books.

I like writing in books too, if I especially like a quote, or just want to jot down a thought. (Disclaimer: I do not do any of the above to library books, just the ones I own!)

You can't do that with an electronic gizmo book. You also can't share it with your friends (BOO!) or put it on bookshelf and glance at it some random day and think "I loved that book". And it's another thing with a cord and that has to be charged, right? I get enough of that with my iPhone, thank you very much.

But I have to give the Kindle props b/c it has turned the hubs into a reader. It's a great tool for someone who doesn't love bookstores, doesn't know how to go about finding the next read, or someone who travels. I get that. Who would have ever thought Jeff would willingly be reading "The Count of Monte Cristo"?  And, now that one of Jeff's BFF's has a Kindle, we joke he may start his own Book Club. Yes, indeedy - a round of snaps for the Kindle. I just know that, for moi, it will be a handy tool for travel and instant gratification when wanting to read a certain book, RIGHT NOW. Ultimately, though, I will go to my grave an "honest to goodness, hardcover/paperback" girl.

I chose to read "Born to Run" on the Kindle b/c Jeff has been raving about it for about a year. I've heard lots of good things about it from various people, too. And since I am getting back into running, I figured it would be a good choice. And it is. I have not finished it, mind you. I am 32% done (can't tell you what page that is, though. Another thing I don't like about a "non-book" book...) and I am totally diggin' the story. Imagine people (Tarahumara Indians of Mexico) that run hundreds of miles in a day, just because, they love running and view it as synonymous with living. Not to get skinnier, or to live longer, or get paid massive endorsements, but just because it's "what we are born to do". They don't wear $200 running shoes and they don't have long discussions on pronation or supination. Interesting concept, right? I think so.

You can read more about it here:

If you've read it, or plan to read it down the road - please do let me know what you think...Like I said, I'm only 32% done, so that's the end of my review, for now :)

1 comment:

  1. Totally agree about loving paper books. I'm not sure I could ever get a Kindle. How open-minded of you for trying it out anyway! :-)
