Saturday, January 29, 2011

Day 1: Swimming

The girls were great cheerleaders!

Not the best photo I've ever taken, but just keeping it Reals :)
So, it's RIDICULOUS that I never properly learned to swim. Growing up in Yak, we had a pool. We lived out in the boonies and there wasn't much else to do. While I mastered diving and can do a mean dog paddle, I never learned much else, in respects to aquatics.

It's really kind of embarrassing to be a grown up and not even know how to do the crawl.

Let's start with the equipment: I don't even own a proper swimsuit (or as we call them at our house "swimmers"). I pulled out the most "sporty" bikini I own and hoped for the best. Jeff, God Love Him, had bought me some swim goggles recently at the gym, so I was set there. (And seriously, who looks good in those Speedo suits anyway? Well, I guess real swimmers do, with their 6% body fat, but the rest of us need a little help in the "flattering" department, am I right?)

All week Jeff has been telling me I needed to watch some instructional YouTube videos. I scoffed and rolled my eyes, but what was I doing this morning? Watching several videos of the crawl and the importance of "high elbows", doing the right thing with your pelvis, rotating hips when coming up for a breath and so on and so on...Yikes! This is harder than Pilates, in terms of technique (Angie, are you totally laughing at me, yet???)

I think I must have looked hilarious.

Jeff, the coach, (who is by no means a professional swim instructor, but has completed a triathlon in the scary/murky waters of Lake Washington with a respectable time, so I think he fit the bill as a coach. And did I mention he is very patient?) said I have a "natural stroke" and that he was "even a little surprised" that I did so well. The breathing part? Not so natural. I didn't suck but I most def. was not channeling the cute girl in the videos .

(And, to be honest, it was a little difficult to concentrate when the buxom gal in the bright pink swimmer and matching lipstick, with lots of perfume on, started swimming (?) in the next lane with a kick board. There was a booming sound that emanated from her kicking, that nearly made me crash into the edge of the pool...)

But I did it. I kept trying. And I did -2- lengths of the pool, consecutively, with the breathing. And I didn't lose my bikini bottoms! Sadly, 2 lengths only equates to -1- lap at Columbia Athletic Club. But, damn, if it didn't feel good. And, the biggest surprise of all? I actually enjoyed it. Yay me!

I may just have to go get myself a proper swimmer, cuz I'm def. going back for more...


  1. Sounds like you kicked off day one with a great start....and um, you look great as always:) Check out the traps!

  2. Oh, come on, first of all, you look totally the fit awesome babe you are in that suit, whatever you want to call it.

    Second of all, congrats for the great success of your first challenge and the support of Jeff and the girls.

    Third, does anyone else have "scrolling" issues with your blog? It's kinda klunky for me, but it might be this laptop.

    Woo hoo, Amy! Way to go day one. I only hope to keep up every day!

  3. YAY! You did awesome! I swam for 13 years and never really mastered the crawl. Stroke technique can be tricky. We should swim together sometime! :-)
